The Client
“LaFreshco is a luxury caterer and a full-service event management company. Our strength is in high quality Indian food and we like to think that there is literally no client request we cannot cater for.”
“We not only plan the whole event for you, but we also deliver it on the day to meet your exact requirements. This could be a Christmas party at Hampton Court Palace, an awards dinner at the Natural History Museum or an unforgettable wedding.”
“We have 20 full-time staff but on the busiest weekend this year we were catering for 15 weddings involving 7,000 guests and 300 members of staff. For that size of operation to work, our organisation has to be flawless.”
Rahul Sharma, Sales Director, LaFreshco
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The Business Challenge
“Over the past couple of years we have seen amazing growth as a business, but that success brought with it challenges as well as rewards. This time last year we were facing a range of challenges, a creaking IT network and too much time being spent on trying to fix a broken system.”
“Finally, I had enough and I called in Transputec to help. They were able to remedy the problem at hand, but they were also able to provide me with a vision for an IT system that was a major asset to our business rather than a major obstacle.”
“As well as the vision for what could be achieved, they also provided the complete end-to-end solution for my business, from consultancy advice to hardware supply, data storage and an ongoing support service.”
Rahul Sharma, Sales Director, LaFreshco
The Solution
Transputec is an established Information Technology Services and Solutions company with more than 30 years of IT innovation and excellent customer service. Our mission is to help our customers solve their business issues with clever IT.
The enterprise network solution that Transputec envisioned and setup for LaFreshco has:
- Given them a cutting edge, supported, IT solution that provides complete reliability, releasing the management team to drive the business forward.
- Given them innovative client-facing tools to win new business.
- Revolutionised the way that they talk to their customers, by allowing them to access, create, amend and print floor plans wherever they are
- Helped them to cement their reputation as a leading provider of full-service event management.
- Protected that reputation by ensuring that documents are never lost or taken by anyone without the authority to do so.
The Benefits
“Six months ago we were facing a number of challenges to our business, all related to a creaking IT system. Then we called in the team at Transputec to help us sort it out. Now I can sleep at night because we have a reliable IT network, with assured back up and a 24/7 support team.”
“The investment we have made in this project is already well on the way to being repaid through the new customers that we have won with the new tools at our disposal and the extra time that it has given me back to devote to driving new business and growing profits.”
“We also have a growing list of clients who are spreading the word about the amazing service they receive from LaFreshco. The technology gives us a competitive edge in the market and also allows us to scale up more quickly as the new business comes in.”
“Rahul Sharma, Sales Director, LaFreshco