What is an AiTM Phishing Attack and How to Fight Back?

AiTM phishing


You’re at your desk, focused on the day’s work when suddenly, a routine login turns into a nightmare—your credentials have been hijacked, and an unseen attacker now has the keys to your company’s most sensitive data. This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario; it’s the very real and growing threat of AiTM Phishing.

In this blog, we’ll unpack what AiTM Phishing is, reveal how these attacks work, and—most importantly—outline how you can defend your organisation from becoming the next victim.

Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) phishing

At Transputec, we understand the importance of protecting your organisation from AiTM phishing threats. Our advanced cybersecurity solutions employ a multi-layered approach to mitigate risks and safeguard sensitive data. 

We provide comprehensive training to your employees to help them recognise and avoid phishing attempts. Our training programs equip your staff with the knowledge and skills to identify and report suspicious emails, preventing them from falling victim to phishing scams.

Understanding AiTM Phishing

AiTM phishing, short for Adversary-in-the-Middle phishing, is a sophisticated cyberattack technique that has been causing significant concern in the cybersecurity community. Unlike traditional phishing methods, AiTM attacks involve a more complex approach that can bypass many standard security measures.

Adversary-in-the-Middle  attacks have become increasingly prevalent. In July 2022, Microsoft reported a large-scale AiTM phishing campaign that targeted over 10,000 organisations since September 2021. This campaign successfully bypassed MFA and led to business email compromise (BEC) attacks, potentially resulting in significant financial losses.

How AiTM Phishing Works

An Adversary-in-the-Middle phishing attack typically unfolds in the following stages:

  • The attacker sets up a malicious proxy server that sits between the victim and the legitimate website they’re trying to access.
  • The victim is lured to this proxy server, often through a convincing phishing email or a compromised link.
  • The proxy server acts as a middleman, intercepting and relaying communications between the victim and the legitimate site.
  • This setup allows the attacker to capture sensitive information, including login credentials and session cookies, in real time.

What makes Adversary-in-the-Middle phishing particularly dangerous is its ability to circumvent multi-factor authentication (MFA) and other advanced security protocols. By intercepting the entire session, attackers can gain access to accounts even after the user has completed the MFA process.

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How AiTM Phishing Bypasses MFA

One of the most concerning aspects of AiTM phishing is its ability to circumvent MFA. Here’s how it works:

1. The victim enters their credentials on the fake site.

2. The proxy server forwards these credentials to the real site.

3. The real site requests MFA, which is relayed back to the victim.

4. The victim provides the MFA code, which is then sent to the real site.

5. The attacker captures the session cookie, granting them access without needing further authentication.

How to Recognise and Respond to an AiTM Phishing Attack

While AiTM Phishing attacks are complex, there are tell-tale signs that can help you recognise and respond to them:

  • Unexpected Login Prompts: If you receive a login prompt unexpectedly, especially after logging in, be cautious. This could be an indication of an AiTM Phishing attempt.
  • Suspicious Email Links: Always inspect email links carefully. Hover over the link to see the actual URL before clicking. If something seems off, it’s better not to click.
  • Unusual Account Activity: Regularly monitor your accounts for any unauthorised activity, such as logins from unknown locations.
  • Failed MFA Requests: If you’re receiving multiple MFA requests without triggering them, this could indicate that an attacker is trying to breach your account.

If you suspect you’re the target of an AiTM Phishing attack, immediately disconnect from the network and report the incident to your IT department or security provider.

“At Transputec, we understand the sophisticated nature of AiTM Phishing attacks and have developed multi-layered security strategies to combat them effectively. "

Best Practices to Combat AiTM Phishing

Here are some best practices to combat AiTM phishing attacks:

1. Implement Strong Technical Controls

  • Enable strong encryption and enforce HTTPS: This helps protect data in transit and prevents attackers from intercepting sensitive information.
  • Use virtual private networks (VPNs): VPNs add an extra layer of security and make it more difficult for attackers to steal data from networks.
  • Enable public key authentication: This can help prevent malicious proxy servers from connecting to legitimate websites.
  • Regularly update and patch all systems: Keeping software and systems up-to-date closes known vulnerabilities that attackers may exploit.

2. Enhance Authentication and Access Controls

  • Implement phishing-resistant MFA: While AiTM can bypass some forms of MFA, using FIDO-based or hardware token MFA provides stronger protection.
  • Enable conditional access policies: These policies add extra enforced verification steps even if an attacker obtains a stolen session cookie.

3. Improve Detection and Monitoring

  • Deploy advanced anti-phishing solutions: Use AI-powered email security tools to detect and block sophisticated phishing attempts.
  • Continuously monitor for suspicious activity: Watch for unusual sign-in attempts, unknown inbox rules, and other anomalous behaviours.
  • Implement network segmentation: This limits the potential impact if an attack is successful.

4. Educate and Train Users

  • Provide comprehensive security awareness training: Teach employees to identify phishing attempts and exercise caution with links and attachments.
  • Encourage direct logins: Train users to log in directly to accounts rather than through email links.
  • Promote scepticism of urgent requests: Teach users to be wary of emails claiming urgent action is needed.

By combining robust technical controls, enhanced authentication, proactive monitoring, and thorough user education, organisations can significantly improve their defences against sophisticated AiTM phishing attacks.

How Transputec Prevents AiTM Phishing Attacks

At Transputec, we understand the sophisticated nature of Adversary-in-the-Middle Phishing attacks and have developed multi-layered security strategies to combat them effectively. Here’s how we help protect your organisation:

1. Advanced Threat Detection:

Our AI-driven detection systems continuously monitor for unusual activity, identifying potential AiTM Phishing attempts before they cause harm.

2. Robust Network Segmentation:

By segmenting your network, we limit the attacker’s ability to move laterally within your infrastructure, even if they manage to bypass initial defences.

3. MFA with Conditional Access:

While AiTM Phishing can bypass traditional MFA, we implement conditional access policies that add another layer of security. This ensures that even if credentials are compromised, attackers face additional barriers.

4. Employee Training Programs:

Awareness is key. We provide comprehensive training to your employees, helping them recognise and avoid phishing attempts, including AiTM Phishing.

5. Regular Security Audits:

Our team conducts regular security audits to identify and patch vulnerabilities, ensuring your defences are always up-to-date.

For organisations looking to bolster their defences against AiTM Phishing, Transputec offers a complete suite of services tailored to your needs.

Conclusion: Ready to Optimise Your Cybersecurity Budget?

AiTM Phishing represents a significant and growing threat in the cybersecurity landscape. Understanding how these attacks operate and implementing robust prevention strategies is crucial for safeguarding your organisation. At Transputec, we specialise in providing comprehensive protection against AiTM Phishing and other advanced cyber threats.

Don’t wait for an attack to happen. Contact us today to get in touch with an expert and learn how Transputec can help you build a resilient defence against AiTM Phishing and more.


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What is AiTM Phishing?

AiTM Phishing, or Adversary-in-The-Middle Phishing, is a type of cyber attack where an attacker intercepts and manipulates communication between a user and a legitimate service, often bypassing traditional security measures.

How does AiTM Phishing differ from traditional phishing?

Traditional phishing relies on fake websites to trick users into revealing their credentials, while AiTM Phishing involves real-time interception and manipulation of communication between the user and a legitimate service.

Can AiTM Phishing bypass Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Yes, AiTM Phishing can bypass MFA by intercepting the authentication token during the login process and using it to gain unauthorised access.

What industries are most vulnerable to AiTM Phishing attacks?

Industries like finance, healthcare, and cloud services are particularly vulnerable due to the sensitive nature of the data they handle.

How can Transputec help protect my business from AiTM Phishing?

Transputec offers advanced threat detection, network segmentation, MFA with conditional access, employee training, and regular security audits to protect against AiTM Phishing attacks.


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