Safeguarding Sensitive Data in SharePoint Online: Practical Tips

SharePoint Online


In today’s data-driven world, companies rely heavily on cloud platforms like SharePoint Online to collaborate and manage sensitive information. But how do you ensure that your data remains secure? Safeguarding your organisation’s sensitive information is essential in maintaining trust and ensuring compliance with stringent regulations such as GDPR.

In this blog, we’ll explore SharePoint Online and provide practical security tips to protect your data while demonstrating how Transputec can help you secure your environment.

What is SharePoint Online?

SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service that allows businesses to store, organise, share, and access information from almost any device. Built into Microsoft 365, SharePoint Online is widely used by enterprises to improve collaboration. But with accessibility comes the challenge of keeping sensitive data secure.

According to Microsoft, over 250 million users leverage SharePoint Online to manage documents, share knowledge, and drive workflows. This volume of usage highlights the importance of ensuring that data stored within SharePoint is safe from unauthorised access.

The Importance of SharePoint Online Security

Security in SharePoint Online is vital because it often serves as a repository for highly sensitive data, including proprietary company information, financial records, and customer details. Poor security practices can lead to data breaches, loss of intellectual property, and significant financial penalties.

A 2023 Ponemon Institute study found that the average cost of a data breach was over $4.45 million, making security an essential part of your SharePoint strategy.

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Practical Tips for Securing Your SharePoint Online

1. Implement Strong Access Control:

One of the most critical aspects is controlling who has access to what. Start by using role-based access controls (RBAC) to ensure that users only have access to the data they need. You can assign different permissions based on roles within your organisation.

At Transputec, we help companies establish granular access controls to ensure that sensitive data is accessible only to the right people. We conduct thorough assessments to ensure that permissions align with your business needs.

2. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Passwords alone aren’t enough to protect sensitive information. By enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), you add a layer of security to prevent unauthorised access. MFA requires users to provide two or more verification factors, reducing the risk of stolen credentials being misused.

3. Enforce Data Encryption:

Data encryption is essential for keeping sensitive information secure, both at rest and in transit. SharePoint Online already provides built-in encryption, but organisations can take this further by encrypting sensitive documents before uploading them.

At Transputec, we ensure that SharePoint Online’s encryption protocols are optimised and monitor encryption compliance regularly. We help configure encryption for particularly sensitive documents based on your specific needs.

4. Regularly Monitor and Audit Activity

Auditing user activities in SharePoint Online is crucial for identifying suspicious behaviour. Using Microsoft 365’s built-in auditing tools, administrators can track changes, view access logs, and identify any anomalies that may indicate a security risk.

We offer tailored monitoring solutions to provide real-time visibility into your SharePoint environment. Our service allow you to detect unusual patterns and investigate potential breaches before they escalate.

5. Utilise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policies

To protect your organisation from data leaks, Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies should be configured within SharePoint Online. DLP helps detect and automatically protect sensitive data, such as financial or health information, based on preset rules.

We help configure and fine-tune DLP policies tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that sensitive information is flagged and protected automatically.

How Transputec Enhances SharePoint Security

At Transputec, we understand the complexities of SharePoint Online security and offer comprehensive solutions to help organisations protect their sensitive data.

1. Expert Security Assessment:

Our team of experts conducts thorough security assessments to identify vulnerabilities in your current setup. We analyse your access controls, data classification, and sharing policies to provide actionable recommendations for improvement.

2. Custom Security Configuration:

We work closely with your team to implement tailored security configurations that align with your organisation’s specific needs and compliance requirements. This includes setting up advanced access controls, configuring DLP policies, and implementing encryption strategies.

3. Continuous Monitoring and Support:

Our managed services include ongoing monitoring of your SharePoint Online environment. We utilise advanced threat detection tools to identify and respond to potential security incidents promptly. Our 24/7 support ensures that your IT environment remains secure and compliant.

4. User Training and Awareness:

We believe that user education is crucial for maintaining a strong security posture. Transputec offers comprehensive training programs to educate your staff on SharePoint Online security best practices, reducing the risk of human error-related security incidents.

5. Compliance Management:

Our team stays up-to-date with the latest regulatory requirements and helps ensure that your SharePoint Online environment meets industry-specific compliance standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001.


Safeguarding sensitive data in SharePoint Online requires a multifaceted approach combining robust technical controls, user education, and ongoing monitoring. By implementing the practical tips outlined in this blog and partnering with experienced professionals like Transputec, you can significantly enhance your SharePoint Online security posture and protect your valuable data from evolving cyber threats.

Contact Transputec today to speak with our experts and get started on your journey to a more secure collaborative environment.


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How often should we review and update our SharePoint Online security settings?

It’s recommended to review and update your settings at least quarterly. However, more frequent reviews may be necessary if your organisation undergoes significant changes or if new security threats emerge.

Can SharePoint Online help us meet regulatory compliance requirements?

Yes, It offers various features to help meet regulatory compliance requirements. These include data loss prevention policies, retention policies, and eDiscovery capabilities. Transputec can help you configure these features to meet specific compliance standards relevant to your industry.

What are the risks of not properly securing external sharing?

Improperly secured external sharing can lead to unauthorised access to sensitive data, potential data breaches, and compliance violations. It’s crucial to carefully manage external sharing settings and regularly audit external user access.

How can we ensure that our employees are following SharePoint Online security best practices?

Regular training and awareness programs are essential. Transputec offers customised training sessions to educate employees on SharePoint Online security best practices, reducing the risk of security incidents caused by human error.

What steps should we take if we suspect a security breach in our environment?

If you suspect a security breach, immediately isolate the affected areas, review audit logs for suspicious activities, and contact your IT security team or managed service provider. Transputec offers 24/7 incident response support to help you quickly address and mitigate potential security breaches.


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